Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Upside of Team Work - 847 Words

Team work is main to develop a project and to get good result. Working with different people, different attitudes and different all these should be handled very carefully and bring everyone on one track to achieve goals. Team member’s coordination is much more important in all aspects to get success and to develop company. They should be correct understanding among all the members and they should know what they are doing. Every matter should discuss with all the members and the decision should be made. The ideas should be shared with everyone to get feedback. Work should complete on time and should be accurate. Team building will helps to work complete in time and to get more ideas and helps to think in innovative way. Communication plays key role to complete work done. The behaviour of the members will also affects the team. Members in the have different behaviour, attitude, work tension and communication problems all these goes in wrong way which disturb the team. Facing all these problems and bring them into work all these will done in team work. Facing all the things, avoiding domination, good communication, sharing of work will help to form good team to reach goals. Working in a team will totally different compare to doing individual work. Working with different people. Attitudes and communication all play a key role in team building. Members in the team will have different learning styles. First to settle in team it taken some time to understand each other. Firstly weShow MoreRelatedPolarity802 Words   |  4 Pagespolarities by realizing each opposite â€Å"pole† has an upside and a downside. The strategy is to identify the upsides of both poles and their downsides. Management should devise a plan that gives benefits of the upsides and avoids their respective downsides. (Ammann, 2008). Polarity management is not the final answer to conflicts; however, an important technique for working with continuing disputes. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

If I Do Not Possess Integrity, I Am No One Essays

Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. I have taken in stride these qualities throughout the years of my life. I have been taught integrity by my parents and by many teachers in my educational and personal life. Without integrity there is no trust or respect for people in the world. Amy Rees Anderson as an entrepreneur turned into a counselor and angel investor, shares her opinions on integrity in business and life experiences. Also Brett and Kate McKay take a look at the things that challenge your integrity and the consequence of your choices. In the article â€Å"Success Will Come and Go, But Integrity is Forever† by Amy Rees Anderson, Amy gives her definition of integrity and includes experiences she†¦show more content†¦The same concerns are encountered in the business world. Also in the article, Amy discusses her experience with integrity in business; she states that â€Å"CEOs overstate their projected earnings because the y don’t want the board of directors to replace them. Entrepreneurs overstate their pro formas because they want the highest valuation possible from an investor.† In these instances you have people in high places compromising their integrity to get further or higher in their careers. She states that even employees would call in sick, when really they would take off to do Christmas shopping. There is a breach of integrity in every aspect of life but it’s up to the person to make the decision to do what is right. The question is how do people improve on their integrity? What is the thought process of people who cheat? According to Brett and Kate McKay there are things that can strengthen and weaken your integrity. They research the mind of a cheater and also the mind of those who do not cheat. Brett and Kate McKay explore why people compromise their integrity and what elements strengthen and weaken a person’s integrity. The authors reference Dr. Ariely stat ing that â€Å"experiments by Dr. Ariely and others have shown that far from being a deliberate, rational choice, dishonesty often results from psychological and environmental factors that people typically aren’t even aware of.† In this experiment Dr. Ariely experimented on 2 differentShow MoreRelatedMy Personal Growth And Development878 Words   |  4 PagesI am making the assessment upon my personal growth through the course of Personal Growth and Development. From the 40 Questions Assignment, I take 5 words that describe me are Integrity, Compassion, Fighter, Caring and Friend. I maintain integrity in any given situation as part of character. I also have compassion toward others, especially the ones who have less favorable conditions. When I fight, I do not stop neither I quit. I finish what I start. I care for many things maybe I a little more careRead MoreElana Sanguigni. Drum Major Tryout Essay. . 1.)A Drum Major925 Words   |  4 PagesMajor, one is expected to treat others with kindness and integrity. A Drum Major is someone who is fully involved and invested in their band and peers, and is someone who works to serve others. As a Drum Major, one must put the band first and support those around him or her. Effective communication skills are imperative, as a drum major must have an effective voice, yet also be an effective listener. A Drum Major supports its team and is an encouraging influence both on and off the field. 2.) I wouldRead MoreKey Informant Interview At Craven Correctional Institution1701 Words   |  7 PagesKey Informant Interview In the previous section I described two personal traits that I possess and assessed how they would fit in a career as a senior case analyst. In this new section I will describe my interview with Thad Spiewak. I will explain what he believes are the two background experiences, two skill or abilities, and two personal characteristics that are required to get a job as a senior case analyst. I will then assess whether I match these. Informant My informant is Thad Spiewak, SeniorRead MoreWhat Makes Me An Effective Leader?1083 Words   |  5 Pagesauthority enables him to mobilise and direct the team efforts towards its goals. As a potential leader if I analyse through my ability of skills, I possess the skills of wisdom, self- transcendence, emotional regulation and critical life experience to a greater extend, where in I am very much inclined to a level of perfection when openness, sense of humour, reminiscence and reflectiveness are concerned. I am quite average when it comes to the different dimensions of being affective and reflective. My attributesRead MoreIntegrity Essay1038 Words   |  5 Pages4/22/2010 Applied Ethics What Does it Mean to Have Integrity The dictionary describes integrity as being unimpaired, unadulterated, or genuine state; entire correspondence with an original condition; purity. But in layman terms, integrity means to be who you are regardless if someone is watching you or not. Being true to one’s self, values, beliefs and morals is vital on the religious viewpoint. Integrity is how we decide to live our life. In our lifetime we will be faced with decisionsRead MorePersonal Statement : My Leadership Qualities Essay928 Words   |  4 Pageson my leadership qualities. I will discuss my key values and beliefs, along with my strongest attribute and one of my weaknesses or an area that needs improvement. Next, I will discuss two managers or leaders, one that I really liked and one that I greatly disliked. Finally, I will discuss how I would like my direct reports to perceive me as a manger and leader. 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One of the qualities I often hear is that I am a very compassionate person, I believed that is very important to be understanding and to provide help to those who are in need. Honesty, integrity, and reliability on a person is what drives a person to trust in another person. People tend to day that I have integrity and openness, as I am willing to be honestRead MoreEthical Implications Of The Finance Industry1433 Words   |  6 Pagescareer one mi ght be in a situation to consider not only the ramifications of one’s ethical choice, but also how ethical one’s decision is as a whole. In my career, I have never been put in an ethical dilemma, but at a juncture in my career in the finance industry, it is possible I will. In the industry of finance, one could be in a position that enables them to embezzle, whether this is in an accounting position, a financial advisor, or even a bank teller. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

The Importance of Process Planning and Designing

Question: Discuss about The Importance of Process Planning and Designing. Answer: Process planning and designing is a wide concept and a key for success for any professional. Unplanned work leads to an unidentified path which yields nil results. Without planning and designing ones work, it is difficult to achieve the desired results within the specified time frame and limitations. Deciding upon the course of action required for the transformation of raw materials to finished products is termed as process planning. For achieving the output of a product as per the specified design, a series of planned operations have to be executed in a timely manner. The operations to be performed are both complex as well as simple in nature. More attention is required in the execution of complex processes as they take more time. As a marketer, it is very important for me to understand the present processes which are already in vogue and then suggest changes and modifications only after analysing the profits that the organization would be able to earn upon its implementation. Bring ing changes in the existing process is a very costly affair for any organization and it would have a direct impact on its brand image as well as the top line. Thus for a new entrant like me process planning and designing basically caters to transformation process i.e. the art of utilizing the current equipment and machinery for delivering ones own processes and designs. Companies favour those who try to do something new with the available resources, investing little into new equipments and machinery because of the cost factor. Process design in simpler terms can be defined as an operational chain with detailed progression stages to be performed so as to achieve the specification of the designs without compromising on the quality as well as the timely disposal of activities. These two are the most important factors that is to be considered along with ensuring to utilize the available resources in the most optimum manner so that production cost is also reduced. All this can be achieved only if proper integration is done between the human capital and the other resources. Machines cannot work on their own until and unless an input is given by the workers, thus a proper co-ordination between the two is of utmost importance. Trying to bring a revolutionary change into the current process of an established entity is the most challenging task. One has to first and foremost convince the management about the viability of the proposed changes with regards safety, brand building, timely conversion, production increase , cost benefit analysis, acceptability by the floor people as they are the ones who are directly attached to performances. It is very important to ensure that transformation within oneself and in the outside world is to be done gradually. It would seem very impracticable to expect that once a process has been planned and designed then it should be put to action instantly. The transformation process has to be given its own time to breathe. The most important segment of an organization is operations and its management. As a marketer it is to be understood by me that for introducing a change a study with regards the amount of value addition that it would do to ones personality, brands, customers to whom it will cater to finally and the cost factor from the companys view point has to be accounted for. Thus according to me transformation is easily identifiable and related with regards the conversion of raw materials but where transformation with regards any data or human capital is associated then the change is not evident enough to be noticeable. This makes it clear to me that expecting a sudden change to be visible to the organization at its very instance is not true. The change is gradual, however with regards any kind of product development change the result will be instantaneous. Similarly expecting a transformation in the behaviour of the customers and the internal staff at its very brim is false. Change in human nature may take place but its effect is gradual and hence adequate space has to be given for the same. Analysis of the results of implementation of a new process design and its transformed state has to be done by breaking the entire chain into smaller parts. It is only then I will be able to analyse the success parameters. Thus on a conclusive note I would like to bring to light that if I were to succeed both in profession as well as personal life, planning and designing of processes is of utmost importance. A pre-defined path and clarity in thoughts and processes will help to make this transformation easier. Before introducing change in any organization, the confidence of the people who would be a party of them is required to be won by making them a part of such a planning and designing process and welcoming their suggestions.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Peter Paul Rubens free essay sample

The most sought-after painter in northern Europe during the seventeenth century, Peter Paul Rubens, was also a diplomat, linguist, and scholar. His dramatic artistic style of the seventeenth century is now called baroque, a term apparently derived at a later time from ornate jewelry set with irregular pearls. At its most exuberant, the baroque involves restless motion, startling color contrasts, and vivid clashes of light and shadow. Rubens was born in Siegen, Westphalia, to Jan Rubens and Maria Pypelincks. Born the son of a lawyer and educated at a Jesuit school in Antwerp, Flanders, Rubens learned classical and modern languages. He spent the years 1600 to 1608 studying and working in Italy. Returning to Antwerp, he continued to travel as both courtier and painter. His repeated visits to Madrid, Paris, and London allowed him to negotiate treaties while accepting royal commissions for art. One of Rubens major innovations in procedure, which many later artists have followed, was his use of small oil studies as compositional sketches for his large pictures and tapestry designs. We will write a custom essay sample on Peter Paul Rubens or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Rather than merely drawing, Rubens painted his modelli, or models, thereby establishing the color and lighting schemes and the distributions of shapes simultaneously. Rubens managed a very large studio in Antwerp, training many apprentices and employing independent colleagues to help execute specific projects. Among his mature collaborators whose baroque works are on view in the National Gallery of Art are Anthony van Dyck, Jacob Jordaens, Jan Brueghel, and Frans Snyders. Rubens style tremendously influenced baroque painters throughout Europe, even those such as the German-born Johann Liss who had no documented contact with the master. Liss The Satyr and the Peasant, for instance, is Rubensian in its lively gestures and telling expressions. Painted during the 1620s in Italy, it illustrates a tale from Aesops Fables in which an immortal satyr helped a peasant find his way through a winter storm. The goat-legged creature was astonished when the man put his chilled hands to his mouth to warm them. In thanks for the satyrs guidance, the peasant invited him home to eat. The satyr was further perplexed when the man blew on his spoon to cool the hot soup. The satyr jumped up in disgust at human hypocrisy, proclaiming, I will have nothing to do with someone who blows hot and cold with the same breath! The Fall of Man Rubens copied many of Titians paintings. Part of Rubens greatness was due to his eager study of earlier masters and his ability to combine their techniques with his own style. The Fall of Man is an interesting example of a work after Titian, that is very close to the original but in which Rubens has changed some details. The red parrot in the tree is not in Titians painting. The colors in Rubens painting are more yellowish and Rubens has actually improved Titians painting by giving Adam a more natural pose. In fact, Adam looks a lot like Rubens himself. When Rubens made this painting, he had just met his second wife-to-be, Helene Fourment. She was only 15 years old at the time. Adoration of the Magi Religious paintings were fashionable during the time of Peter Paul Rubens and were nearly always reverential. Adoration of the Magi is a good example of how Jesus was expected to be venerated in art. A painting of 99 inches by 133 inches, Adoration of the Magi is an oil on canvas painting that features a group of figures, who are waiting in turn to pay homage to the newly born Jesus. It is painting that was created by Rubens in 1616 and 1617. The Power of Christ The Virgin Mary is depicted holding up Jesus as an elderly magus kisses the babys feet. Rubens clearly shows that Jesus is no normal child, as quite apart from the large group of people who have come to see Christ, the infant Jesus is seen touching the head of the elderly magus as a sign of acknowledgment of the old mans devotion. Rubens also adds power to the image and of Jesus himself, with the ethnic mix of the visitors. This suggests that the men have traveled from many different parts of the world to witness seeing the baby Jesus and are not all, in fact, magi. The age of the men and the way they are dressed indicates men of power, and, consequently, their humble adoration of Christ gives the work an added weight. Though the expression of the figures in the painting are almost universally serious, there is one man who appears to be smiling and acts in a way many adults would normally act on seeing a baby. The Virgin Mary, however, looks very serious, almost severe, but she is concentrating on Jesus not coming to any harm, as he is standing upright to receive the line of visitors. The Propaganda Element As with most religious paintings of the early 17th Century there could be said to be an element of propaganda in Adoration of the Magi, as it is really showing the power of the Church. It is painting that is saying that however powerful leaders may be, the Church is more powerful than any earthly empire. The fact that there is little light in the painting gives it an air of mystery, as one wonders if some figures are deliberately hidden. Some of the visitors to the stable are also partly hidden by other visitors. The horse to the left of the painting infers that animals are also part of the kingdom of God. Adoration of the Magi currently hangs in the Musee des Beaux-Arts, Lyon, France. VENUS IN FRONT OF THE MIRROR Peter Paul Rubens presented his Venus in Front of the Mirror as the ultimate symbol of beauty. She is aware of the viewer in a mirror that frames her face like a portrait. Great play is made of the sensual reproduction of her skin and silky hair, which is further enlivened by the contrast with the dark-skinned maidservant. The few costly accessories, otherwise decorative additions to elaborate clothing, emphasize the figure’s nakedness. The sensual qualities of the painting are created by Rubens’s subtle painterly approach. He alternates sketchy brushstrokes, drawn over the ground like a transparent veil, with compact areas, painted in great detail. One particularly attractive feature of the picture is the contrast between the goddess’s encounter with the viewer, which seems to occur almost by chance, and the representation of her beauty, as if conceived for a spectator. The mirror that Cupid holds up for the goddess reveals an additional level of meaning: the reflection of Venus, which reveals her beauty to the viewer, becomes a symbol of painting that competes with nature to produce an image that is as real as possible.