Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Upside of Team Work - 847 Words

Team work is main to develop a project and to get good result. Working with different people, different attitudes and different all these should be handled very carefully and bring everyone on one track to achieve goals. Team member’s coordination is much more important in all aspects to get success and to develop company. They should be correct understanding among all the members and they should know what they are doing. Every matter should discuss with all the members and the decision should be made. The ideas should be shared with everyone to get feedback. Work should complete on time and should be accurate. Team building will helps to work complete in time and to get more ideas and helps to think in innovative way. Communication plays key role to complete work done. The behaviour of the members will also affects the team. Members in the have different behaviour, attitude, work tension and communication problems all these goes in wrong way which disturb the team. Facing all these problems and bring them into work all these will done in team work. Facing all the things, avoiding domination, good communication, sharing of work will help to form good team to reach goals. Working in a team will totally different compare to doing individual work. Working with different people. Attitudes and communication all play a key role in team building. Members in the team will have different learning styles. First to settle in team it taken some time to understand each other. Firstly weShow MoreRelatedPolarity802 Words   |  4 Pagespolarities by realizing each opposite â€Å"pole† has an upside and a downside. The strategy is to identify the upsides of both poles and their downsides. Management should devise a plan that gives benefits of the upsides and avoids their respective downsides. (Ammann, 2008). Polarity management is not the final answer to conflicts; however, an important technique for working with continuing disputes. 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