Sunday, May 3, 2020

Eco-Tourism Trends Singapore Alive Pte Ltd

Question: Discuss about theEco-Tourism Trends for Singapore Alive Pte Ltd. Answer: Introduction In this assignment 2A, emerging trends of Eco-tourism in the travel and tourism industry have been analyzed. In order to this assignment, Singapore Alive Pte Ltd (Travel Leisure Company)has been selected. Company profile has been provided along with its mission and vision. An overview of the travel and tourism industry has been provided with the help of PESTLE analysis. Depending on this overview, the current trends related with eco-tourism have synthesized and represented to the manager of the organization. Company Profile The Travel and Leisure company named Singapore Alive Pte Ltd founded in the year of 2003 (Singaporealive, 2016). The company represents a new category of travel operators in the country of Singapore. The company delivers superior travels products to all the visitors all over the world (Singaporealive, 2016). The strength of the company lies in the companys innovative product team that develops exciting tour packages. It has been found that the enthusiastic guides of the company are highly passionate about sharing their best experience of Singapore with the travellers. They also try to develop strong relationship with like-minded suppliers (Singaporealive, 2016). Services There are various types of services are provided by the company. They are such as: Cultural exchange program Experimental day trips Professional guides Hotel accommodation Transportation Convention event Destination planning Cruise packages Partnership With the help of extensive network, the operators, travel wholesalers, agents and operators can receive the best of thought products combined with best category of services form like-minded suppliers. It put visitors in touch with the fascinating culture of Asia Mission and Vision It is the mission of the travel agency to become truly the representative of Singapore in front of visitors. The company always tries to uphold the interests of the community members and always try to increase professionalism and portability of the members. The vision of the company is to promote the importance of travel agent among the community of Singapore and to create tremendous growth in the travel and tourism industry (Singaporealive, 2016). Industry Overview Political Factors The Singapore government has developed various strict rules and regulations in order to maintain peace among tourists and prevent terrorism (Fritsch Johannsen, 2015). The government has a squad named as Public Transport Security command. They ensure security of visitors in Singapore (Hultman et al., 2015). Singapore government promotes anti-discrimination with the help of various laws and regulations. Even in the cabin of the Singapore government, multi-racial politicians work together (Hultman et al., 2015). Economy Factors Strong economy of the country has positive impact on the travel and tourism industry of Singapore. On the other hand, tax revenue given by the tourists have 3% contribution in the overall economy of the country (Hunt et al., 2015). Investors in the tourism industry are interested to develop eco-tourism. They are interested to invest in various theme parks in order to attract more tourists (Fritsch Johannsen, 2015). However, inflation has negative impact on the price of foods and transportations of the country (negative impact). Social Factors The culture of the local people is always one of the major points of attraction for tourists in Singapore (Fritsch Johannsen, 2015). It has been found that the relationship between the local community of Singapore and the tourists is getting stronger every day. It has been analyzed that 58% of the tourists hotel choice in influenced by the support that the hotel provides to the local community of Singapore (Fritsch Johannsen, 2015). Technological Factors It has been found that visitors like to think technology as a part of their tourism experience (Hultman et al., 2015). Technological improvements such as internet booking system have enhanced the attraction of tourism in front of visitors (Hunt et al., 2015). In addition, the comfort of buses, airlines and boats in Singapore have been improved. In case if buses facilities such as KTV rooms and message seats have been provided in order to attract more customers. However, the government needs to invest more to improve roads, hotels and to promote eco-tourism in the country. Environmental Factors Hunt et al. (2015) stated that, in previous years it had been found that the impact of tourism is always negative on environment. However, this trend is changing in recent years. Government of Singapore is talking various policies to influence visitors to protect environment like wildlife and landscape. They are also trying to promote eco-tourism by developing World Wildlife Fund (WWF), wildlife reserves and National Park. It has been found that 93% of the international travelers like to select those travel agencies that are responsible for protecting the environment (Das Chatterjee, 2015). Psychological Factors It has been found that 66% of the visitors of Singapore prefer to buy their tourism packages from those companies that have programmed to give something back to the society (Fritsch Johannsen, 2015). 71% of the customers will like to take eco-friendly options if available (Das Chatterjee, 2015). 46% of the visitors are even willing to pay extra for CSRs. Two Trends Related with Eco-Tourism Increasing Attraction Towards Caves and Wildlife It has been found highest amount of peoples (24%) are interested towards eco-tourism in comparison with others (Fritsch Johannsen, 2015). Among these travellers 35% are interested in caves, 22% in birds and wildlife, 18% in national parks and 15% in communities and cultures (Das Chatterjee, 2015). It has been analyzed that eco-conscious tourists travel more frequently than general tourists. It has been found that eco-conscious tourists (22% of the total tourists) make 8 trips per year compare to general tourists (78% of the total tourists) make 2 trips per year (Hultman et al., 2015). Environmental Friendly Choices According to a survey analysis, it has been found that according to 93% of the travelers, travel agencies should be responsible for environment protection (Mowforth Munt, 2015). 71% of the customers will like to take eco-friendly choices if available (Hunt et al., 2015). It has been found that more than 65% of the consumers like use services and travel packages from those organizations who have implemented program to return something back to the community (Fennell, 2015). Conclusion From the analysis trends related with eco-tourism has been analyzed. The manager of Singapore Alive Pte Ltd needs to focus on developing eco-tourism related packages as the eco-conscious tourists make more frequent trips than general tourists do. Hence, it will be more profitable for them. In addition, the company needs to promote protect the environment and well-fare of the community as most of the customers like those travel agencies which are more responsible towards the environment. Reference List Das, M., Chatterjee, B. (2015). Ecotourism: A panacea or a predicament?.Tourism Management Perspectives,14, 3-16. Fennell, D. A. (2015). Ethics in Tourism. InEducation for Sustainability in Tourism(pp. 45-57). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Fritsch, A., Johannsen, K. (2015).Ecotourism in Appalachia: Marketing the mountains. University Press of Kentucky. Hultman, M., Kazeminia, A., Ghasemi, V. (2015). Intention to visit and willingness to pay premium for ecotourism: The impact of attitude, materialism, and motivation.Journal of Business Research,68(9), 1854-1861. Hunt, C. A., Durham, W. H., Driscoll, L., Honey, M. (2015). Can ecotourism deliver real economic, social, and environmental benefits? A study of the Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica.Journal of Sustainable Tourism,23(3), 339-357. Mowforth, M., Munt, I. (2015).Tourism and sustainability: Development, globalisation and new tourism in the third world. Routledge. Singaporealive,. (2016).Singapore Alive - Tour Packages, Hotel, Retrieved 18 September 2016, from

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